Masks and Transitions
In this Issue Fall and Halloween A Thought for Your Practice Death: a New Perspective…
OK, I’m going to start off with the disclosure that Lance Bass has always been my favorite member of ‘N Sync and once again, my gaydar was complete right about someone I don’t know (strange, why can’t it do that when I cruise in real life?). In case you are wondering, the first one was Greg Louganis and not in ’84 when everyone fell for him. I first ran into Greg many years earlier when he was on the cover of the Boy Scout’s magazine “Boy’s Life” sometime in the late 70’s. I had such a crush on him… Who knew years later, we would both grow up to be gay and former scouts?
I happened to be wandering around the internet the other day, when I noticed that there was a blurb that Lance Bass and his boyfriend, Reichen Lehmkuhl, had broken up. I dropped him a note via his myspace page with my condolences and holiday greeting as well as a congrats on his coming out (takes more guts then any straight can imagine, even in today’s world). Now they, TMZ, say they may be getting back together. Hope springs eternal for 2 reasons that immediately come to mind.
Firstly, they make a really cute couple and it would be nice to see Lance beat the odds on his first(?) relationship actually lasting and not falling apart, but that might just be the hopeless romantic in me.
Secondly, depending on what he wants, Lance as a single man would either be the luckiest or unluckiest man in LA (OK, others are in the same position as well). LA (OK, West Hollywood in particular) is a city where everyone dances with their eye on the door looking for the next “best thing” to walk in.
If he’s looking for “hook-ups”, he’s going to have the easiest time getting cute, hot guys to be able to bed. Good-looking guys will be falling all over themselves to sleep with him (Am I just a little jealous? Oh, hell yes! ;-P ).
If he’s looking for something else, say a real relationship, he’s going find it difficult to say the least. Los Angeles has never been the best place to find a good man, as Cameron Diaz’s character says in “Charlie’s Angels” during a fight scene with the bad girl, who has just broken her cell phone:
“Do you know how hard it is to find a quality man in Los Angeles?”
Dear, if you think it’s tough as a straight woman, you should count your blessings you are not gay.
I sometimes wonder if the real reason straight men are so terrified of gay men (OK, they wouldn’t call it that) is really from jealousy that, reputedly, gay men are about getting laid constantly. Now, I will be the first to admit that a lot of men are in that mental place, gay or straight (look at Tom Leykis). It can be fun for a while and as long as one plays safely, I think it’s a natural part of growing up. For a gay man, having had to suppress one’s true identity, seems to explode with an attempt to reclaim our lost youth via our sexual escapades.
Eventually, hopefully, we realize that sex for sex’ sake is not really going do it in the long run. If we don’t learn it, we get awfully depressed when we can’t get laid to save the world as we get older. As much as I hate to admit it, in my 20’s I was completely screwed up about sex and in my 30’s fairly disinterested and now in my 40’s looking for what it is I was really looking for in sex, companionship and someone to share a life with.
As a mystic, I am quite aware that there is little that this world can offer that would bring true happiness, but there is one item that I will continue to want, even when it makes me miserable; a partner. The rest of it you can have, money, fame and all the other crap that this world offers. I know it for the illusion that it is and while having “things” isn’t so bad, I’ve been without them in the past and somehow I managed to survive.
If thinking about Lance wasn’t enough, now Vice President Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary is expecting and because she is a lesbian, many members of the Religious-Right (neither) are voicing their objections. I heard one say that she was denying her child the “god-given right to both a father and a mother.” Somehow, I suspect that the baby won’t care what chromosomes the parental units have, he/she will just enjoy being loved and that is what “family values” are all about.
The question of same sex marriage comes up and think about what it would mean when it comes to both of these.
For Lance and every other gay man, we would have something more than sexual prowess to strive for since there would be a goal that could be looked toward. If you are going to label people perverts for having sex outside of marriage, you have to allow them something more, otherwise, you are talking out your ass.
For Mary Cheney, her child will never have the legal protections for the family that a straight couple would have. They reside in Virginia and with the laws there and in several other states, Mary’s partner, Heather, will have no legal claim to the child if something should happen to Mary. This is family values? God, I hope not.
Well, if nothing else, we wish our best for Lance in the future and give our congrats to Mary and Heather on their expected bundle of joy.