“The Lila”
for Gary

An end is near
a life so dear
a change is on its way,
it’s not so queer
so do not fear
the soul must have its play.
Sorrow was our wife
till cut with a knife
we seemed to have lost our way,
for life after life
filled with strife
we began to enjoy God’s play.
We give a great toast
then give up the ghost
for Truth knows no other way,
for what matters most
is not our boast
but those we’ve touched who stay.
So give breath to the OM
and enjoy your home,
to the soul all is gay;
for flesh and bone
but a chapter of tome
since eternity is but a day.

since we haven’t been able to get together, peace my friend.

ॐ शान्ति शान्ति

Written by R. A. Burgener

After finishing the 850 mile trek of self-rediscovery on California's El Camino Real from San Diego to Sonoma, California, Robert continued, via Greyhound, to Portland, Oregon, where he is becoming familiar with the concepts of weather and seasons after 30 years in Los Angeles.

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