Gay Pride vs Robert’s
The following contains some language that may offend some…
It’s officially Gay Pride Sunday in Los Angeles… The festivities are in full swing and the parade starts in about 10 hours and I am going with a group of wonderful friends.
But as much as I enjoy Gay Pride, there are two aspects of it that really yank my chain.
- I’ve never exactly understood what it is that I am supposed to be so proud of. To me, being gay is like being Caucasian, it’s just who and what I am.
I’m not proud of being 5’8″ (172 cm), I’m not proud of naturally blond hair (though it’s now turning grey/silver) and I’m definitely not proud of a genetic tendency to be short and stocky… If I’m not proud of those genetic traits, why should I be proud of the one that makes me gay?
Those who think it is some kind of choice are either too stupid to awaken to the fact they didn’t choose their heterosexuality and they obviously have never been on the receiving end of one of their rants of hatred, thinly veiled behind a “philosophy” of love, you know, the hate the sin but love the sinner… Right…
To wake up one day and say to oneself, I think today, I will make myself a second class citizen, a pariah of society and unwanted by my family… If that truly were true, I would DEFINITELY be in need of a therapists help.
The simple fact is that God made me the way that I am and he shows this particular paintbrush of uniqueness all over nature, so it is only “unnatural” as far as people judge it…. Screw ’em!
Many people tell me that I should be proud of having survived everything being gay has brought into my life, while it is true they actually had a lot to do with me becoming the person I am today, but what a sucky way to go about it (guess I may be a spiritual drama queen after all).
- The other aspect of Gay Pride that gets to me is that I am so not the typical fag. I cannot dance, I couldn’t care less about fashion (I actually found out that Jimmy Choo is a designer and not an accent issue for “Jimmy’s Shoes” from “The Devil Wears Prada”) and I am completely un-color coordinated.
All the things people seem to think I should be as a gay man are completely outside my genetic makeup, I just don’t have those genes…
I don’t know much about them, but I like cars, I also like computers, stereos and tearing stuff apart to see how it works.
As far as sex goes, the straight-boy fantasy of the gay-sex-life is something I have NEVER really been either capable of, little less comfortable with.
I live in LA where 9’s and 10’s run around like crazy and I am a 40+ cute, but nothing that’s going to grab your attention and lets face it, men are visually stimulated creatures.
There are times when I see the guys in the clubs and I feel like an alien visiting from another dimension since NONE of it makes any sense to me.
As much as I would love to get laid more often, like a few times a decade, I just cannot become part of the 2AM discount sale at the local gay watering hole, I can’t stay up that late and I want to choose or be chosen, not stuck with as the best option left (this isn’t third grade dodge ball team selection).
So, I guess I will enjoy the Pride Parade, torment a few fundies by knowing their Bibles better than they do, and celebrate that we had the courage to tell the judgemental assholes out there to just go fuck off and be what we were made to be.
The simple fact seems to be that gay or straight, we all have our issues.
I think I got the gay genes that turn into shamans and others of service to their community, kind of lonely a lot of the time, but ultimately rewarding in the long run, even when it seems futile…
Guess God does have a sense of humor after all.