The world is going through so many changes around me, and I have to say I am enjoying the hell out of it. is now “officially” open for business and the “job” has gone the way of the Dodo and though I am concerned about a few things, the simple fact is that I’m happier now then I have been in YEARS.

I am always teaching my clients that if they are not happy with their lives, there is only one way to make it better, change it. Sounds simple, but that old analogy is pretty true about ruts. Sadly, as I’ve said before; “the difference between a rut and a grave is only a matter of depth.

When I decided to leave my job, I wanted to do it with integrity, I gave 60 days notice and worked each and every shift and was willing to work any extra that I would have before I gave notice. Nothing changed on that front, except I now had an date of expiration and could see light at the end of the tunnel.

When we talk about the Law of Attraction (LoA) we discuss how simple it is. But, it has a few basic requirements that we have to follow to truly make it work. Honesty, integrity and following through on ones word are SO important as a basis to work from.

I know that it’s a bit of a comedy, but the movie “Dogma” gets something completely right. The universe of creation functions on one premise, the word of God is absolute. One of the Hebrew names for God translates as “the Great Amen” basically, one who’s word is absolute. It is in this authenticity to word that allows Him/Her/It to utter forth, “Let there be light” and it comes into being.

We give away our power whenever we are less than complete with our word, when we settle for less than we started for, no matter the reasoning and justifications that we give ourselves to make it OK.

When we are not willing to stand for our words, how can we expect to create by them?

My life has been changing because I have created possibility for change and I am standing up to pursue it.

My job made it VERY easy to have stepped back from my word and continue working there for a longer period of time. This might have been a good idea on the surface, but in the two-months that I had given them notice, I achieved depressingly little toward the path I was taking, this had been a major part in why I finally decided I had to cut one path out before the other could begin, I had been trying to make this change even before I took the job to begin with.

What would make me think that I would suddenly begin to accomplish in a few extra weeks what I had not been able to accomplish in over a year? For me the safer and more universally responsible path would have been a dead end for my Spirit.

Where do the choices in your life and the lack of substance in your word and being hamper you? Look into it, see it for what it is but do not judge it; you are human and sadly have been trained in this behavior. You can change it though, the first step is to look and become aware.

Written by R. A. Burgener

After finishing the 850 mile trek of self-rediscovery on California's El Camino Real from San Diego to Sonoma, California, Robert continued, via Greyhound, to Portland, Oregon, where he is becoming familiar with the concepts of weather and seasons after 30 years in Los Angeles.

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