We live in a world of tomorrows and yesterdays, all around us we are reminded of the past or setting up our own personal Coming Attractions. It seems that the…Read more →
So much to do, so many decisions to make and questions about it all. What to do next, what direction to take, which road is the one I want to…Read more →
I found this in my drafts folder, from several months ago, like last October. Well, it seems that I had not learned my lesson as of yet, it was a…Read more →
When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another, and to assume among the powers…Read more →
Monday, my usual day off, but it is also one of those Monday holidays, Labor Day (sorry Phyllis, it has nothing to do with childbirth), so I figured my schedule…Read more →
The world is going through so many changes around me, and I have to say I am enjoying the hell out of it.Spiritgeek.com is now "officially" open for business and…Read more →
Wow, August has been one busy month...The newsletter system has been completed and the first issue has been sent out.Use the following links if you would like: Subscribe to the Newsletter Read…Read more →
I recently took a "normal" job, whatever that may actually be, I think of it as a place that pays me on a regular basis for some function that they…Read more →
Yesterday was Christmas (OK, if you looked at the header for the message you know that) and I had the best Christmas I have had in years.I have always been…Read more →
I have been out of the limo company now for nearly 2½ months and while being quite busy, I have also become aware of several things to be looked into…Read more →