
About a year ago, I went to a weekend seminar called "The Forum" as part of the Landmark Education Series. I really enjoyed the seminar and left with many interesting…Read more →

Sparing the Rod

I was reading a personal ad earlier by a young man looking for a partner in life and he wants to have children. He comes from a more traditional background…Read more →

The Meaning of Life

IntroductionReligion and Philosophy in truth have the same purpose, to try to answer the question of the meaning of life.In philosophy the question is addressed through the “general and fundamental…Read more →
Mastering Reality

Mastering Reality

In this Issue   Coexist A Thought for Your Practice Mastery through Judgment, sort of… Quotations Calendar & Announcements Coexist   Here in Los Angeles, I have begun to see…Read more →

Quick Update

Sorry I haven't been around for a while. The site is getting a complete reworking and should be finished in the next few days. I've also been finishing up…Read more →

Some Geek Beauty

OK, I am earning geek points tonight. Friday night and I'm finding beautiful videos to watch. Sometimes inspiration will take you to places you would never expect.So here are the…Read more →

Not this, not that

In this Issue "'s all small stuff" A Thought for Your Practice Neti-Neti Quotations Calendar & Announcements "'s all small stuff" I find writing my blog entries, of which there…Read more →