Of the many questions that I run into a lot about the Law of Attraction (LoA), the most common has to do with why their thoughts and wishes are not manifesting what people are expecting and often not at all. When this comes up, I first ask what the “thought” they are putting out is. Often I find the answer almost immediately.

I would say that nearly 99% of the time the thought is malformed as well as the phrasing being out of alignment with what they want.

As a general rule, I find that there are four basic ways in which thoughts for manifesting run:

  1. Inception/Desire (I want)

    This is where the vast majority of people spend their lives, they want, but they never go beyond the “wanting” and into the creating. The funniest part of it is that when you begin to understand how the universe of creation works and what activates manifestation, this becomes a “no duh” idea.

    Where “wanting” fails is that there is no action in wanting and no requirement for manifestation, it is a completely manifested state unto itself.

    You say: “I want a bicycle” so the universe responds with “OK, he wants, my job is done” hence there is no action to be taken! The action in a “want” is the wanting, it has nothing to do with the bicycle.

  2. Possibility (I can)

    We say: “I can have a new bicycle”, now what could be wrong with that? Of course nothing, but there is no activating principle to the thought. Nothing in the thought causes action, it is an opening of possibility.

    I will address in the next entry where this thought (as well as all of them) can be used to start manifestation, but unto itself you are not likely to manifest from it alone.

  3. Probability/Potentiality (I will)

    “I will have a new bicycle!”

    Better, but now we have placed it into the future. Not a problem, but I tend to prefer my manifestations to be as close to immediate from my limited linear time perceptions (Robert makes a bad existential joke).

    Now this thought can manifest your wishes, the question is just when. The future is one of those things that really doesn’t exist, it appears to have substance. It has the same reality as the past, we remember the past, we plan the future but the “NOW” truly is the only substantial thing.

    The vast majority of people spend their lives chasing this illusion of “when” or “then” and in the process miss all the now’s that could have been used to create the things they are dreaming of.

  4. Manifestation (I am/have)

    “I have a new bicycle!”

    This is where we truly manifest, as one of the TV Evangelists I heard to used to say, “You cannot have a miracle by wanting one, you have to claim it as your own”. There is great truth in this.

    If you look at the opening of Genesis, God does not say I want light, can have light or will have light, but owns the concept of light and says “Let there be light” and how does creation respond? There was light so that “…God saw the light, that it was good…” (Genesis 1:4 KJV)

>>> Continue to part 2 <<<

Written by R. A. Burgener

After finishing the 850 mile trek of self-rediscovery on California's El Camino Real from San Diego to Sonoma, California, Robert continued, via Greyhound, to Portland, Oregon, where he is becoming familiar with the concepts of weather and seasons after 30 years in Los Angeles.

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