So yesterday was Christmas and I am already going on about New Years, well you have two choices, cope or ask why... So the video may strike you as an…Read more →
Merry Christmas Happy Holidays Happy, slightly belated, Hanukkah Joyful Kwanzaa Merry Yule Io Saturnalia There are those who want to claim a war on "Christ" and/in Christmas, sorry, but that is…Read more →
First off, sorry about not posting last week. I was dealing with a cold, I so hate getting ill, fortunately it doesn't happen often. I had this great idea for…Read more →
The End of Days and Apocalypse movements were on the rise when I was coming of age in the '80s, which means the assorted movements in the Protestant Christian Churches…Read more →
We live in a world where we are constantly bombarded with information, some excellent, some very good, but sadly in a sea of mediocre to absolutely false. One has to…Read more →
There are those rare occasions when one comes across a word or understanding to express some aspect that differs with one's peers or the "norm". For myself, one of the…Read more →
He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell"Somber and Vindictive September 11th." Sooner or later the hate and fear mongers will figure out…Read more →
That which we call failure is only "wrong" or "bad" in that we place it as a judgement on what we do, or don't. As the old expression goes;…Read more →
Full Version by Eugeniaz Laguna Shorter Version by amateur Vika Ogannesyan When I was a kid, I always loved going through the latest edition of "Guinness Book of World Records."…Read more →