American politics, the beginning of the end? So we made it through what must be about the most damaging election cycle in the history of the U.S. Where I will…Read more →
He who controls the past controls the future. He who controls the present controls the past. George Orwell"Somber and Vindictive September 11th." Sooner or later the hate and fear mongers will figure out…Read more →
That which we call failure is only "wrong" or "bad" in that we place it as a judgement on what we do, or don't. As the old expression goes;…Read more →
I find the basic concepts of evolution to have some interesting aspects, especially when it comes to certain behavior patterns of Homo sapiens. Yes, I could use the term "Humans",…Read more →
Not long ago, while DOMA and California's Prop. 8 were being heard by the U.S. Supreme Court, there was also a collection of stories in the news from around the…Read more →
I grew up in the Southern Baptist Church on the northern edge of the Bible Belt, St. Louis, Missouri. Sometime in the late 70's, I was introduced to the Christian…Read more →
The current destruction of the world as we know it IS actually due to our turning our backs on Religion and/or God. OK, I will be the first to admit…Read more →
When I watch television or read the news, I am so often saddened to see just what a judgmental people we have become. Sure, we have always judged one another,…Read more →
In recent months, there has been an increase in the number of people asking how traditional religion and scripture can have any relevance in their lives since it has so…Read more →
There has recently been a resurgence of the argument between those of a Religious bent and those who are more Secularist. When I was a kid it was purely a…Read more →