I find it amazing how we change as we grow up (ewww) and older (ick). Since I wrote my last entry I have been looking back over my life and I have been very surprised at some of the things I used to do that I would not even consider doing now (as a pseudo grown-up).

One of the best dates I ever had came from a ride home. When we arrived at my place, I leaned over and kissed a nearly complete stranger. I don’t know why, I wanted to and instead of being terrified of the outcome I just did it, predating Nike’s “Just Do It” campaign by 4 years (Spring of 1984 vs July 1st, 1988). I got a date out of it since the party kissed was so surprised by it they remembered me and later asked me out.

Some would say with age comes wisdom, I say they should stick that back in their butt where it came from and admit it for what it is, conformity.

We often hear about school students, particularly high school, and how far many will go to fit in, to be accepted and the lengths some are driven to by bullying and by being social outcasts.

As humans, we have a natural tendency to want to be accepted, particularly by our peers, but there are often times when the individual must stand up and say “I WILL or WILL NOT do (fill in the blank) because it is right or what I think or believe.”

I am realizing as of late just how much strength and courage it takes to be an original, to swim upstream when everyone else is “going with the flow.”

Get in the habit of being an original before you get older, it may be difficult now, but it is much harder to reclaim it later when you have created a life out of conformity.

Once you loose you voice it is even harder to find it again as I have recently become aware.

Written by R. A. Burgener

After finishing the 850 mile trek of self-rediscovery on California's El Camino Real from San Diego to Sonoma, California, Robert continued, via Greyhound, to Portland, Oregon, where he is becoming familiar with the concepts of weather and seasons after 30 years in Los Angeles.

This article has 1 comment

  1. avatar
    Anonymous Reply

    As I get older I find that I get stuck in my habits. I am learning in order to change and do things different I need to think in a new way and do new things (make new experiences). They say when you reach 35 your pretty much get into a comfort zone and do the same thing day after day. I guess a good way would be to do something new and different everyday. Most people don’t. As apple says “think different.”

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